1. Phil, I haven’t been involved in a global collaborative project before, but I like the 4 quadrant approach you’ve used here. I think this would be useful for teachers as they begin planning a GCP. As you mentioned, the scale and type of project you’re planning will determine the skills, aptitudes etc that are required to be successful.

  2. I wonder if it would be useful to look at some real world global collaborative projects?

    Open Source Projects – with thousands of contributors from all over the world, using online tools to build complex functioning software.

    Let’s take Drupal.org <= that's the hub of the Drupal Content Management Platform. Thousands of developers from all over the world contribute to the core software by writing code, reviewing patches, submitting bug reports and feature requests, writing issue summaries. They also contribute their own code modules that extend what Drupal can do "out of the box". They continue conversations about what's happening on Drupal.org in IRC (internet relay chat) in the freenode network. They use twitter and are starting to also use Google+. Small groups of Drupal users and developers regularly get together in person in cities all over the world. Larger groups get together at DrupalCamps and DrupalCons. There's probably a DrupalCamp going on somewhere in the world every week. This is a global collaborative project. It's real. How could students get involved?

    • Donna, believe it or not I had never thought about looking at Open Source projects as examples of Global Collaboration. My thinking is firmly entrenched in the k12 education world. I would be very interested in learning from you what makes an Open Source Project collaboration successful. Below are some questions that come to mind:

      In you experience what are the necessary elements for an Open Source Project collaboration to be a success? What platforms work the best? From your comment it seems that the combination of a Wiki and a chat room are important. Is the IRC chat embedded in the wiki so that the chat can happen where the work is happening? Do different people play different roles in the collaboration? What kinds of structures support the collaboration?

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