So Good They Can’t Ignore You

This is a post I wrote in 2013 that I recently revisited while touring universities with my daughter and reflecting on the best advice to give her as she ponders her future choices. This alternative viewpoint on following your passion is still contentious but I think worth considering. For the first time in many years, … [Read more…]

Graphic Design & Google Classroom

The more I use Google Classroom with students the more convinced I become that adding graphics and video to Google Classroom instructions and assignments is something all teachers should be doing. The addition of graphical elements to announcements and assignments makes them easier for students to access and understand. This means they expend less energy … [Read more…]

Feedback on Floop

Note: This post is part of my online coursework for the ISTE Certified Teacher program. I have spent a lot of my career teaching Math and Design Technology and in my experience both of these subjects involve a lot of analog work with paper and pencil. In Math it is working out solutions and in … [Read more…]

Digital Assistive Technology

Tomorrow I am presenting at the 6th Annual SENIA Malaysia Conference on Digital Assistive Technologies. I am focusing mainly on Read&Write, Immersive Reader and iOS Apps and Settings. I owe a big thanks to Eric Curts for sharing his very useful presentation on Google Tools for Struggling Students, as I reference parts of it more … [Read more…]