Digital ID Project: A platform for learning, sharing, remixing and teaching digital citizenship
Google speakers before they come to your class. Great way to weave discussion of digital footprints into classroom.
Whose responsibility is it to teach digital citizenship? Obviously everyone, but in many cases it is relegated to the computer teacher.
Recommend Common Sense Media resources.
Writing good emails as a 5th grade lesson is highlighted. I like that she focuses on digital writing as just as extension of her writing curriculum.
Followed up by another teacher teaching how to leave a good blog post and how to comment on a post.
I like this: “Good digital citizenship needs good digital writing”
A cross curricular approach gives students many chances to practice their skills in different contexts.
Digital ID project started in 2011 and organises resources on digital citizenship around 4 focii: Stepping Up; Building Identities; Boundaries; Online Privacy.
- Includes sample scope and sequence chart
- They have included assessment tools. This is something that is often missing from a lot of these resources.
- The interactive glossary of Digital Citizenship terms includes audio reading of the word and accompanying video resources to account for all reading levels.
- They see Digital ID as a collaborative platform for students and teachers to help build the resource.
- Digital Citizenship PSA challenge: students have 90 seconds to educate other students on what it means to be a good digital citizen.
- “Students teaching students is a powerful model.”
Also includes Digital Citizenship policy recommendations for administrators
- Start your DC implementation plan early in the year
- Document student progress
- Document the impact of your DC program
- Create a checklist of your implementation program
- Proudly showcase best DC practices at your site
“It will truly take a village to make sure that the Digital Citizenship crosswalks are maintained and that every adult on campus is a skilled crossing guard.”