I am going off grid this week. I am going up to Strathcona Park Lodge to spend the week kayaking with a great bunch of grade 9 students. It’s going to be nice to leave the technology behind.
As always happens before I go away on these trips I have had to work extra hard this weekend to get everything planned so it can run in my absence. This time around I thought I would try some of the great screen casting apps on my iPad. The one that ended up being my favourite was EduCreations. I really like that it allowed me to set up multiple slides ahead of time that I could just toggle through while recording. I also found it handy that the app was able to give me an embed code for each of my screencasts. This meant that I could embed them on my class posterous blog in only a few clicks.
Most of my screencasts were not really exciting enough to share here, but I did have fun with my Problem of the Week. The problem came from Dan Meyer‘s great website 101 Questions. I used EduCreations to create three different screencasts and I scheduled each one to appear one day after the previous one. My hope is that the first one will get the students hooked, the second one will give the ones that are struggling a bit of structure and the third one will give them all enough information to solve the problem (if they haven’t already done it on their own).
The Hook
The Framework
The Measurements (with an unintentional mistake thrown in)